Reasons why you should install Chrome Beta


One of the most popular internet browsers on today’s market is Google Chrome. It has over 500,000,000 million downloads making it the most dominant internet app on the Play Store. Trailing it is Firefox with a mere 50,000,000+ downloads.

Google Chrome makes it easy to integrate web browsing from all of our devices with just one click. It transfers bookmarks and browsing history, making it very convenient to get to very website on all devices.

What makes Google Chrome Beta even better, is that you see what Google Chrome will become before the next major update. It is almost an entirely different app. Chrome Beta comes with a flatter appeal to it, similar to the style expected on the upcoming Android L. The text and icons are a little smaller, but it makes the design look better, cutting away any extra bloat.

Along with the new look, it seems to have enhanced performance. Changing through tabs is a breeze and the animations are crisp and don’t delay. Swiping away tabs has a refined animation where they fade away into the distance making it look cleaner. Opening a new tab has a quicker, more fluent animation as well. They have also moved the search bar when opening a new tab. It is in the middle of the page under the Google logo making it much quicker to search from a new tab.

If you like Google Chrome as is, we strongly recommend you give Chrome Beta a try because it is stock Chrome and then some. Plus, if you want a sneak peak as to what is to come on Chrome and even Android L, it is worth giving it a download.


About Author

I skateboard, listen to metal, write on my website FWNED, autocross, and love messing with new phones. Currently I'm using a Pixel XL running Pure Nexus with ElementalX as my daily driver.