OnePlus co-founder Carl Pei talks about OnePlus 2 price again


The OnePlus 2 is sure shaping up to be one heck of a device so far. Currently, the device will ship out with a Snapdragon 810 processor, fingerprint sensor, and a USB Type C port. On top of it all, the device will be debuted in virtual reality on July 27th available for all to stream. One thing that has been missing from conversations is the OnePlus 2 price.

Awhile back, Carl Pei, OnePlus’ co-founder hinted at a $400 price tag stating that it would be very ‘reasonable’. Since then, we haven’t heard much, until now. We don’t get an exact number, but Carl states

Regarding OnePlus 2. Look at what we’ve included, and there’s much more cool stuff you don’t know about yet. It’s obviously impossible for us to match OnePlus One pricing with this. Does this mean we’re going to milk our fans for more profit? Take a guess. Even suggesting so is insulting to us.

We know that it will in fact be more expensive than the OnePlus, which retailed from $300-350 originally, but has since been slashed by $50. He said it would be impossible to match the $350 price tag with the OnePlus 2, but how much higher would it be?

At the end of the day, OnePlus just wants to make the best product they can. Premium smartphone and budget smartphone mean nothing to them. They are going to release what they want, and that will come with a higher price tag.



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I skateboard, listen to metal, write on my website FWNED, autocross, and love messing with new phones. Currently I'm using a Pixel XL running Pure Nexus with ElementalX as my daily driver.