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TouchWiz drastically improved with Android 5.0 Lollipop [stats to prove it]

Galaxy Note 3 TouchWiz

Samsung has always had devices sport top of the line specs, especially when looking at the Note series. Unfortunately, Samsung’s TouchWiz user interface has always lagged in the performance category, especially when comparing it to stock Android. Good thing for Samsung users, we have good news courtesy of XDA. Mario Serrafero has written a detailed analysis of his Galaxy Note 3 and TouchWiz running on Android 5.0 Lollipop.

This is a very detailed overview of the user interface, way more detailed that has been gone over before. It covers everything from real world performance, memory, temperature, battery life, and even a comparison to a Nexus 5 running Android Lollipop. Below is a summary of what Mario concluded.

This is looking very good for Samsung, especially when thinking about their slumping sales. Obviously a well-performing device won’t completely remedy their woes, but it definitely will help.  I have always preferred Samsung’s hardware, but TouchWiz was always the downfall. This analysis sure makes me think twice about returning my Galaxy Note 4.

For you Samsung users out there, does this get you even more excited for your OTA?

Source: XDA