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OnePlus 2 invites being auctioned off for UNICEF charity

OnePlus 2 invite for a cause

OnePlus has been in the media a lot the past few months. Mainly it has been news and rumors surrounding their new device, the OnePlus 2. Today, it is a totally different story. OnePlus has partnered with eBay’s Giving Works and is auctioning off invites for the OnePlus 2 on eBay for the UNICEF Tap Project.

The UNICEF Tap Project helps to bring clean, safe water to underprivileged children around the world. Just $1 helps provide a child access to sanitary water for up to 40 days. You can read all about it here and learn about other ways you can help their mission.

While some people don’t like OnePlus’ marketing techniques or how they do things, you have to respect them for this. Their oft criticized invite system has brought a lot of frustration to fans, as some people put invites up on eBay for pure profit. OnePlus decided to use this to their advantage and raise some money for a good cause.

OnePlus is auctioning off a total of 100 global invites, that means they will work anywhere in the world. These auctions will be up for a total of five days and the entire proceeds will go to the UNICEF Tap Project. The invites will be for the 64 GB Sandstone Black OnePlus 2 and will be sent out via email. Once the invites are distributed on August 10th, fans will have one week to claim it.

If you would like to bid for an invite, you can do so at the official OnePlus eBay shop.